Wednesday, 9 October 2013

GBGD209_Crystal Lim_Finals_Games Credits

So this is my final hand up version for my games credits for this assignment. Allow me to explain once again the purpose of my game credits. My team, Apple Pie and I are in the production stage of making a Room Escape game for the Apple iPad. The locket actually plays a significant role in the game and one of the pictures you see in the credits is used in the game as well. The names that are in red also hints something more sinister in game. //SPOILER ALERT// Basically the names in red are the supposed victims in game. Overall I tried to create a creepy, foreboding feeling to the end of it all, and tried to tell a story while at it. So without further-ado, please sit back and enjoy the video and advice on how we can improve it to make it better. 

Difference between the 3rd iteration and the final version
1. Locket is grainier and darker to blend in better.
2. Changed some pictures.
3. Re-sized and realigned the picture.
4. Some names in the credits are red. 
5. Final copyrights text in smokey effect.


Please bear in mind that during the production of the final game, my team and I will probably continue to tweak and improve on this. But for the sake of this assignment, it's pretty much done. Thanks!

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