Wednesday, 25 September 2013

GBGD209_Crystal Lim Yen Mei_Second Iteration_Week 5

This is the placement testing I did in Photoshop.

So I've been trying hard to emulate the effects that I want on Adobe After Effects and have gotten success to a certain degree. I'm still working out some kinks and bugs. Please note that I have not completed the video yet(I know the locket is missing, please don't tell me again). But please feel free to comment and give me advice to make this better. But for now, please enjoy.

Thing I plan to change by next week:

  1. Get the text effect in for the whole credits
  2. Remove the black background for both the Pictures and the Text effects
  3. Put in More pictures
  4. Edit the background with blood
  5. Add the locket in
  6. Adjust the lighting

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